Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Genealogical Artifact

Cassette Tape of Granna Reading "Donald Duck and the Witch Next Door"

When I was about 5 years old, my grandmother Anna Richey, or “Granna” for short, sent me a book titled “Donald Duck and the Witch Next Door”.  I rarely saw my Granna more than once or twice a year as she lived so far away, and so along with the book, she sent me a cassette tape recording of her reading the book to me.  So even when she wasn’t there, she was there.  This meant the world to me as I loved my Granna and wanted to see her all the time.  The tape itself was not very special, but the label said “Granna reading to Jason” and I loved seeing my name on a cassette tape.  On the tape, Granna spoke to me as if I were right there next to her.  Granna was the world’s best story reader as far as my 5 year old mind knew.   Her voice on the cassette would change for every single character so I would know who was speaking.  She would even ding a bell when it was time to turn the page.  Maybe she couldn’t do Donald Duck’s voice the same way that it was done in the movies, but who cared?  Every time I listened to that tape, I felt like she was right there, reading to me.  I used to carry a tape player around the house with me and listen to the book in different rooms of the house.   Wherever I went, Granna was with me.
                As I grew up and learned to read, I found that I was able to follow along with Granna as she read, but I never read it on my own.  I had other books for that.  This was my special book that could only be read by Granna.  When I pick up kiddy books I read as a child now, I am always surprised to find that they don’t have the same story as they did when I was a kid.  This is due to the fact that before I could read, I would simply pick up books and make up my own story based on the pictures.  My version of “Cat in the Hat” was much more disturbing with much fewer rhymes.  But “Donald Duck” has the correct story line.  Granna made sure of that.  For this reason, it is my favorite children’s book. 
                It is getting harder to find tape players these days but it is always worth it to me to give this tape another listen.  Recently, my Granna passed away.  I miss her more than words can tell.  The tape contains more than a book.  It contains my grandmother’s love; it contains her regret that she can’t always be with me, while also bridging the gap between us, if only briefly, allowing her to read a book to her loving grandchild.  The gap between us has widened, but this treasure brings her close to me again, just as it did in my youth.    

Artist's Response

When I first wrote about this tape, I hadn't listened to it for years.  I was writing about it's meaning to me in the past.  But when I went home and asked my parents about it, they reminded me of some of the finer details I hadn't recalled.  They told me about how I used to carry around a tape player so that I could listen to it again and again.  I must've listened to it over a hundred times.  They said I always got a kick out of hearing my name spoken aloud by my Granna.  When I listened to the tape again, I realized that it still applied.  My grandma is gone to a place I can't visit, but I can still hear her voice and hear her say "I love you".  It is a great treasure to me.
I realized after writing it like a story, that I wanted it to be more like a memoir, something that stood as a tribute to my Grandma and the treasure she left me.  I felt like writing it in this way allowed me to more fully convey my feelings about the object, rather than just telling a particular moment of using it.  I realize this is a bit off of what I was supposed to write about, but I prefer it this way.  

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