Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Concerned Citizen


So we might have gotten a little bit ambitious.  We knew we wanted to do something original and do it well.  Our concerned citizen: Brent Adams.  His concern: The moral decay of the entertainment industry.  Entertainment plays a huge role in all our lives.  We see images all day every day -- for the better or worse.  Brent Adams founded the animation program at BYU in order to flood the film workforce with good, moral people.

We knew we had a strong subject, however, we didn't realize that we wouldn't be able to cover our topic in the described one to three minutes.  When we originally edited our piece we ended at about seven minutes, more than double the assignment description.  Needless to say, we had to do a lot of cutting and throwing out -- which was hard because our concerned citizen gave such a great interview.  Fortunately Jason came to our rescue to make the workload at least somewhat reasonable.

Overall, our piece was a great collaborative effort.  Aubrey brought editing mastery to the table, Jason brought audio insight, and Tanner handled the cinematagraphy.  Each of these elements came together to produce a piece we can be proud of.

Aubrey Clark
Jason Richey
Tanner Wilson

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